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题目: Termination for Breach of Contract under English Law.

主讲人: Yvonne Baatz 教授,伦敦大学皇后玛丽E世博官网





讲座内容:If a party is in breach of contract when will the innocent party have not only the right to recover damages for the loss that it has suffered, but also the right to elect to terminate the contract and be discharged from its further obligations under the contract? The English principles will be illustrated by using specific examples drawn from international commercial contracts such as international sale contracts, charterparties of ships, and domestic construction contracts.

 主讲人简介:After practising as a solicitor specialising in shipping litigation in the City of London Professor Yvonne Baatz lectured at the University of Southampton where she was Director of the Institute of Maritime Law from 2003 to 2006. In 2007 she became Professor of Maritime Law. Since 2018 she is a Professor at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London. There she teaches on the modules on Carriage of Goods, Charterparties: Law and Practice, Marine Insurance, Maritime Conflict of Laws and P & I Clubs. She has published widely in the fields of Carriage of Goods by Sea, Conflict of Laws and Marine Insurance. She is editor of Maritime Law, published by Informa Law at Routledge, now in its fourth edition (2018) and contributed two chapters to that book on the Conflict of Laws and Charterparties.
