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School of Law, University of International Business & Economics (UIBE)




The West meets East: China’s International Business and Economic Law

—— 澳洲新南威尔士大学“中国国际商法和国际经济法项目”之专场奉献

Special Contribution of the “China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Initiative”, The University of New South Wales (UNSW)



Host: Law School, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)


Time: 6:30-8:00pm, December 14 (Wednesday), 2016


Location: King&Wood Moot Court Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Ningyuan Building 221


18:30-18:45 开场白 Opening Remarks


Moderator: Dean Professor Jingxia SHI, UIBE Law School


18:45-19:45 专题研讨西方与东方邂逅:国际商法、国际经济法在中国

Panel Discussion: The West meets East: China’s International Business and Economic Law


发言嘉宾 / Panelists:



Professor Colin Picker, Associate Dean (International), UNSW Law; Director of theCIBEL Initiative


Professor Lisa Toohey, Associate Dean(Education),UNSW Law


Professor Heng Wang, Associate Professor , UNSW Law


Professor Xiao-chuan Weng, Associate Professor, UNSW Law


Dr. Jie (Jeanne) Huang, Senior Lecturer, UNSW Law


Dr. Weihuan Zhou, Lecturer, UNSW Law


Shu Zhang, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, UNSW Law


19:45-20:00 互动和提问环节 (Q&A Session)


研讨要旨/Key points of Panel Discussion


(i) Latest research insights into the law and practice of China’s International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL), including trade, investment, business law and dispute settlement, (ii) Introduction to the CIBEL Initiative at UNSW.


主要嘉宾简介/ Brief Introduction of Major Guest Speaker


皮克教授是国际经济法、比较法和法学教育领域的高端专家,现任新南威尔士大学e世博esball官网副院长及其中国国际商法、国际经济法项目”主任(创始人之一他长期活跃于国际经济法教学科研前沿领域,先后参与创立了“国际经济法学会”、“丝路e世博esball官网联盟”高端E世博官网E世博官网app团体并担纲要职。著述甚丰,发表美国、欧洲和亚洲等地区,涉及国际e世博官方网站法、国际经济法、中国和国际经济法和比较法广泛领域他曾合著比较法律传统:西方法律的文本、材料与案例》一书,并主编《中国国际经济中的地位:新方向和模式变化》一书。他在美国、俄罗斯、中国、以色列和越南等各国e世博esball官网授课,参与诸多E世博官网会议并作主题发言、演讲提交超过60多篇文章。同时,皮克教授参与了世界数十所顶尖院校的工作坊。在投身于E世博官网界前,他就职于美国Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering律所的华盛顿分所,是承办跨国e世博官方网站诉讼、国际交易、国家政策等业务的主要律师


Professor Picker is the Associate Dean (International) and a founder and the Director of the China International Business and Economic Law (CIBEL) Initiative. Colin has been in the forefront of creating and running many academic ventures and projects - within his faculty and university as well globally - both for his field of international economic law (IEL) and comparative law, but also for the improvement of legal education. He is also one of the founders of the New Silk Road Law School Alliance (NSRLSA) and is the forthcoming Chair (2016-17). Most "grandly", however, was his role as one of the primary founders of the Society of International Economic Law, the global academic organization for international economic law (he was then the founding Executive Vice President (2008-2014)). He has published widely in the areas of International Trade/IEL, International Law, China and IEL, and in Comparative Law.  He has published in many journals and academic presses in America, Europe and Asia. Among other books, he is also a co-author of COMPARATIVE LEGAL TRADITIONS: TEXTS, MATERIALS AND CASES ON WESTERN LAW, 4th Edition (Thomson West) (2014) and was an editor of CHINA IN THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER: NEW DIRECTIONS AND CHANGING PARADIGMS (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015). He has visited and taught at law schools around the world, including, among many others, in the United States, Russia, China, Israel, and Vietnam. He has delivered more than 60 major papers, key notes, lectures and speeches (and in every continent except Antarctica), as well as having participated in dozens of workshops at many of the leading universities around the world.  Prior to becoming an academic in 2000, Colin practiced law in the International Group of the Washington, D.C., law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. His practice included transnational & trade litigation, international transactions and international congressional policy work.


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Address: 10 Huixin East St., Chaoyang District, Beijing 414001, P. R. of China  Tel: 0086-10-64496035  Fax: 006-10-64492061