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美国奥斯顿律师事务所  ·威格尔律师

美国奥斯顿律师事务所  黎宇律师

美国奥斯顿律师事务所 苏慧伦律师

点评嘉宾:清华大学e世博esball官网  杨国华教授

主持人:对外经济e世博官方网站大学e世博esball官网副院长 陈卫东教授


1.  WTO体制之外301措施及其影响  

2. 232措施及其影响   

3.  美国反倾销反补贴调查的反规避程序及其影响

4. 美国近期337知识产权侵权调查 









April 7 2018

Invitation to Seminar


To whom it may concern:


In 2018, the Trump administration launched Section 232 and Section 301 actions against China, which will sure to generate far-reaching influence on the pattern of Sino-US bilateral trade, investment, intellectual property protection and strategic competition. In this context, University of International Business and Economics, School of Law, in collaboration with Alston & Bird LLP are pleased invite you to our seminar to be held on the evening of 12/4/2018 from 18:30 to 20:30, at King and Wood, Mallesons Moot Court on the Second Floor of Ningyuan Building in University of International Business and Economics.

Topic: Trump Reciprocal Trade –A New Approach to International Trade?

Time: The evening of 12/4/2018 from 18:30 to 20:30

Location: King and Wood, Mallesons Moot Court on the Second Floor of Ningyuan Building in University of International Business and Economics

Guest Speakers:

Ken Weigel, Partner at Alston & Bird LLP

Helen Su, Partner, at Alston & Bird LLP

Uni Li, Counsel at Alston & Bird LLP

Guest Commentator:

Prof. Yang Guohua, Professor at Tsinghua University,  Law School


Prof. Chen Weidong, Associate Dean, Law School, University of International Business and Economics


The seminar will cover the discussions over the following areas, including but not restricted to:

1. Section 301 Use outside of WTO ;

2. Section 232 Use to Impose Duties;

3. Ant-circumvention Use to Avoid AD and CVD Cases; and

4. Recent Development of Section 337 Investigation.


Please note that we will have a cock-tail reception prior to this seminar (18:00-18:30). We would be delighted to have you present at this reception to hear about your thoughts and opinions on the latest development on Trump Trade Act and their impact on Chinese businesses. If you are interested in this reception, please kindly reply your willingness to participate in this reception to david.liang@alston.com before 10/4/2018.


We look forward to your confirmed presence at the Seminar.



Law School, University of International Business and Economics


Alston & Bird LLP