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联合国国际e世博官方网站法委员会(UNCITRAL)秘书长权威主讲: 关于投资者与国家间争端...

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E世博esball官网(中国)- 官方独家网站


主讲人: 联合国国际e世博官方网站法委员会秘书长 Anna Joubin-Bret女士






SpeakerMrs. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of UNCITRAL

Title: UNCITRAL Project on the Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)

Time: March 1(Thursday)2018, 16:00-17:20

Venue: Room 232, Ningyuan Building, UIBE

Moderator: Dean & Professor Shi Jingxia



Anna Joubin-Bret,联合国国际e世博官方网站法委员会秘书,联合国法律事务厅国际e世博官方网站法司司长,于2017年11月24日获得任命。Joubin-Bret女士曾专门从事国际投资法和投资争端解决工作,曾担任多个解决投资争端国际中心(ICSID)、E世博官网app会(UNCITRAL), 国际商会(ICC)等投资争端的仲裁员或调解员此前,在任联合国e世博官方网站和发展会议(UNCTAD)的高级法律顾问期间,Joubin-Bret女士负责际投资法律问题的E世博官网app和咨询工作以及国际投资协议的技术援助计划,并协助各国政府制定投资政策和框架,管理投资者与国家之间的争端。Joubin-Bret女士编辑并撰写关于国际投资法的重要E世博官网app和出版物,并曾在世界各地的大学和E世博官网app机构讲授国际投资法。她拥有巴黎第一大学国际私法E世博官网app生学位(DEA),巴黎第一大学国际经济法硕士学位和法国政治E世博官网app所政治学硕士学位。曾担任施耐德集团法律部门的法律顾问,KIS集团总法律顾问和Pomagalski S.A的出口总监,还曾被任命为法国格勒诺布尔商业法庭法官。


Mrs. Anna Joubin-Bret is the Secretary of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and Director of the Division on International Trade Law in the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations. She has been appointed on 24 November 2017.

Prior to her appointment, Mrs. Joubin-Bret was Attorney-at-law and practiced in Paris. She specialized in International Investment Law and Investment Dispute Resolution. She focused on serving as counsel, arbitrator, mediator and conciliator in international investment disputes. She served as arbitrator in several ICSID, UNCITRAL and ICC disputes.

Prior to 2011 and for 15 years, Anna was the Senior Legal Adviser for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). In this capacity, she managed the research and advisory work on international investment law issues as well as the technical assistance program on international investment agreements (IIAs). During her tenure, Anna assisted countries and governments in the formulation of investment policies and frameworks and the management of investor-State disputes. Anna has edited and authored seminal research and publications on international investment law, notably the Sequels to UNCTAD IIA Series. She co-edited with Jean Kalicki a book on Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in 2015. She lectures on international investment law in various universities and institutes all over the world.

She holds a post-graduate degree (DEA) in Private International Law from the University of Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, a Master’s Degree in International Economic Law from University Paris I and in Political Science from Institut d'Etudes Politiques. She has been Legal Counsel in the legal department of the Schneider Group, General Counsel of the KIS Group and Director-Export of Pomagalski S.A. She has been appointed judge at the Commercial Court in Grenoble(France) and was elected Regional Counsellor of the Rh.ne-Alpes Region in 1998.