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2014年11月4日瑞士IDEAS中心执行主任Nicolas Imboden大使讲...

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演讲嘉宾:瑞士IDEAS中心执行主任Nicolas Imboden大使

演讲题目:What is China’s role in solving the crisis of the inclusive multilateral trade system?



IDEAS Centre, located in Geneva, is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated to help low-income countries integrating into the world trading system in a way that supports their national poverty reduction and economic development efforts. IDEAS Centre was created in 2002 by the late Arthur Dunkel, former GATT Director-General, and by Nicolas Imboden, former Trade Delegate and Ambassador in charge of Swiss economic cooperation with developing countries.

The Centre offers practical, results-oriented advisory services and executes projects aimed at strengthening the capacities of developing/transition country governments to shape both their domestic economic policies as well as the international policies that affect them. Through its projects supporting the participation of developing country within the WTO and facilitating the integration of development-related concerns into industrial country positions, the Centre wants to contribute to international discussions on WTO institutional reforms and to encourage global cooperation for “win-win” solutions on the trade and development interface.

Website: http://www.ideascentre.ch/


Nicolas Imboden大使简介:

Mr Nicolas Imboden is partner and cofounder of IDEAS Centre. Since the organization’s creation in 2002, he directs and provides high-level advice to all its projects: assistance in accession/post-accession, trade policy advice (WTO, regional intergration, bilateral trade agreement), trade-related capacity-building, training and assistance.

Previously, he was Senior Vice President of SGS (1999-2002), a Swiss Government trade and aid official with the rank of an ambassador (1992-1999), Governor of the regional development banks (ADB, AFDB, IDB) and Executive Director at the EBRD (1992). He was the Swiss negotiator for market access and agriculture during the Uruguay Round negotiations (1987-1992).

He is currently a member of the International Food and Agricultural Policy Council (IPC). He has been a member of various Expert Groups of the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and of the UNDP Human Development Report.